oil on canvas, appr 5"x7"
Today I painted myself again. I placed a mirror on my drawing table and painted. Now that I've taken a photo of it, I see a few things I want to change, so I may do that and then take another photo. As you artsits know, after looking at a painting for a couple of hours, you can no longer "see" it. So, I'll get away from it for a while and then look at it again. Turning it upside down or looking at a photo of it also helps. But, I'll post this one for the time being. My favorite subject is the human head and if I have a mirror, I have a model. You will probably see more self-portrits.
4/25/08 OK! I've made a few changes and I'm happy with the painting, now. Here's the new photo.
This is fun! I noticed it with your last comment on my site. Cute as heck.
You look much more relaxed than at tax time, LOL.
Both you and the painting are beauties. Your eyes are pretty and honest, and I like that they are the brightest, most focused part of the piece.
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