Sunday, July 13, 2008

RUSSELL'S POND oil on board, 5x7

This is the pond behind my son's home in the country. It's really beautiful there. I painted this from a picture I took several months ago. The ducks have since disappeared, probably victims of coyotes.


Susan Carlin said...

Hey, Ann- did you mean to add an image with this post?

Ann Reyes said...

Hi, Susan! When I got ready to post my painting last night, I realized I had left the cord (to download the photo to my computer) at my parents' house. I'll be going back to their place tonight after I meet with my college classes, so I'll post the photo then. They live about an hour from me.

I love your new portraits! I can't imagine how you get such a great likeness in such a short time! ...and from LIFE!!!

georgiana ewing said...

Ann, hope your mother is better. I love your thick, thick paint. This one has so much motion in it.